Wednesday 11 May 2011


It looks like its way back in the past but its only been 20 years in the same house, same people, varied stories. They say that things can never remain the same forever it has to the age of 10 you think why do i have to share my stuff, why do i have sisters? you fight all the time and in the end come back together. There comes a point where parents just stop interfering because they know we patch up again.
as we grow up we learn to share, learn to enjoy each others company, the regular outings, the dutch in dinners..where someone surely has to cry out..."i don't have money" sure my sisters know who am talking about..:)..or the night outs which can be compared to no other..and the regular cat fights or some stupid code words that only your sisters would understand but in the end after 20 years of being together and going through a lot together; just a look and the other person can understand whats going on in your brain.
Theres always one who's silent but her silence speaks a million words, one who is a tom-boy and very free, one who is very secretive, one who is terribly moody, and one who is always jovial. Even though we are different we are the same in many ways. Without one all the others are lost.
we all had our share of fights; when we think about it today we laugh but they used be so serious then but thats what sisterhood is all about...being together even though we all know one day we all will be in different parts if the globe or that things are changing. 
Together or apart; linked in out hearts we remain together forever...even though we go different paths from now..
To our sisterhood....cheers!!!